First up, big news! I upgraded to Anime Studio (Now Moho) 12! It has some very nice improvements!
I’m approaching the 6 minute mark! Things are proceeding well and our big haired space lady is still looking down on our heroes.
So, hey I needed to have an Adherent model is 360 degrees! Luckily I had the vector one from last episode, that I could modify into a body turn. Yay, smart bones. Other than that just some very tedious Fleet shots. They take forever.
Cast recording is on Sunday! after that the bulk of the animation can begin!
Animation on Part 2 has begun! Mostly just the pre-title and FX shots, so as you may have noticed, I never said anything about Cast recording. That will be on the 22nd, until then I’ll working ahead and getting some of the shots without any speaking out of the way! I did finished the designs and rigging on characters for an interlude, that might have been cut, but things went swimmingly therefore it stays!